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Student reading a book in class

PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) is a positive and proactive school-wide behavior management approach that seeks to create a positive learning environment for all students.  

PBIS seeks to help ALL students succeed socially, emotionally,  and academically.   Centennial Elementary teachers, paraprofessionals, lunchroom staff, bus drivers, and volunteers seek out students who are following our outlined behavior expectations.  Student's positive behavior is acknowledged with a red ticket.  We also have quarterly school wide assemblies to celebrate PBIS.  

We are respectful, responsible, and safe. We are CENTENNIAL!

Centennial Elementary PBIS Matrix with Videos

Please review the following videos (in red) for safe and smart behavior in our school.


  • Volume 0, silent greeting to others
  • Go directly to your destination, appreciate artwork with eyes only, keep hands and feet to yourself
  • Walk on the right side, stay in your line, face forward               


  • Volume 0 , wait your turn, respect privacy
  • Wash and dry your hands, use supplies appropriately, have permission, be quick
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself, walk


  • Play fair, take care of equipment, include others, follow adult directions
  • Line up quickly when the whistle blows, dress for the weather, stop/walk/talk  


  • Volume 0-2, Lights out/Voice 0, use manners, welcomes others to the table
  • Raise your hand if you need help, clean up your space, choose your seat wisely
  • Eat your own food, wait calmly, stay seated until dismissed, walk    


  • Volume 0-1,  wait your turn, touch only your computer, mouse, and keyboard
  • Return books on time, use shelf markers, treat material gently
  • Walk, access only appropriate websites                                                


  • Volume 0-2, listen to the bus driver, use kind language
  • Be early/on time to your stop, be in charge of your belongings
  • Stay in your seat and face forward, keeps hands and feet to yourself, bodies and belongings stay inside the bus, get on/off carefully                                                                              

Car Pick up  

  • Watch for your car and be ready
  • Keep your belongings put away while you wait
  • Keep hands/feet to yourself, stay behind the safety line, walk to your car